Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Autobiographical Fiction

There seems to be something inherently lazy about autobiographical fiction. An autobiography is a book about the author's life. Autobiographical fiction is a story that is based on the author's life but the names are changed. The characters are based on real people. It is possible that the story is interesting, but if it was interesting, what is the point of not just making autobiographical book? It shows little to no originality for a story and its characters to be based on real people. Of all the story ideas I have, 98% of it is not based on anything from my life. Even if I take inspiration for a story, I try my best to deviate from the original source so that it is my own work. Often times if I am taking from something, it is because the original did a piss poor job. If you are going to write fiction, write fiction; if you are going to write something about your life, write an autobiography.

Sunday, May 15, 2011

Word Count Projector

Recently, I reinstalled Visual Basic 2008 to make a neat little program. I was curious how much I had to write each day to write a novel length book in a year's time. From there, I was curious how much time would be saved if I wrote more than the minimum required word count for the day. It comes out to being just under 137 words which is less than the average word count for a page (250) per day. So here is what the program looks like and the code I wrote.

Monday, May 9, 2011

Interpreting Literary Works

I have read a lot of literary analysis of poems, short stories, and novels over the past year. Each analysis finds some deep meaning to the literary piece; this can relate to some form of allusion, metaphor, archetype, or symbolism. What is not certain is whether the authors meant for those meanings to be there. If it is intentional, how well can their writing be if the purpose is so clear?

Thursday, May 5, 2011

Word Association

Word association can be used to make a person believe something they normally would not do. Furthermore, it turns off the part of the brain that is critical and analytical. This is similar to the Pavlovian Effect where if you ring a bell and a dog will salivate because it knows the bell represents food he will soon get. It is also important that you have seen the movie Inception, but I will explain the basic points needed.