Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Misscliks Hearthstone Cards

Here are some cards I created for the Blizzard CCG Hearthstone. Each one is for the D&D shows on the Misscliks network. Artwork is credited to Steve Noble and Nikolay Asparuhov. You can make your own card designs at HearthCards.

Patch v1.1
The Legendary Priest minion, Elianna has been added.

The Legendary Priest minion, Avacyn has been added.

First up, we have Adea with a low mana cost, and her ability to Enrage due to her being a Wild Mage. She gains +4 attack and Spell Damage +2.

Next up, we have Emma. She is a mid-range card that gains the ability of any enemy minion that dies when she is on the board. For example if a minion with Taunt dies, she gains Taunt. If you kill a minion with Charge, she gains Charge. If you kill Ysera, she will draw Dream cards at the end of your turn.

The last card we have for the D&D Demi-Gods show is Arcas. He has Taunt and makes his opponents easy to kill by reducing the Health of enemy minions played to 1.

For the Misscliks D&D Pirate Edition, we have Lily Dudley, a Legendary for Mage. Her early game can help by copying 3 spells from your opponent's hand into yours.

Second up we have a Rogue Legendary, December, with her bloodlust. She charges into battle, gaining +2 attack, and grants Immune to friendly minions. Playing the card, she screams, "Don't hurt my friends!"

The last card is Fe Tomo, a Legendary for the unreleased class, Monk. She is a powerhouse with fists flying. She has Windfury and the ability to Enrage with +7 attack.

A new card, Elianna has been added. When brought onto the field, she says "Heal, bitch!" and restores 4 Health to all friendly characters.

Finally, we have Avacyn, who changes your Priest Hero Power to "Restore 3 Health".

1 comment:

  1. Oh wow! Really nice card designs. But the cards themselves are all overpowered, obviously.
