Thursday, August 15, 2019

The Unforeseen Positives of Tesla Self-Driving Cars

Tesla is quickly rolling out self-driving electric cars with software that is twice as safe as a human driver. They have more eyes than a human, better reaction time, and can continue to become safer by learning from all other Teslas on the road. For how much more advanced the computers on a Tesla are, they are planning on developing the next generation system to be three times better than what is already twice as safe as humans.
While most people would look at self-driving cars and imagine sitting in the driver's seat while the car drove itself, that reality is limited. The impact of self-driving cars will be felt in ways many do not consider.

Friday, May 31, 2019

Vector Available For Pre-Order

It has been five years in the making, but I'm proud to announce the pre-order release of Vector, the second book in the Cruiser City Series. The paperback version will be available on launch.

The celebrate the pre-order release of Vector, you can get the first book, Delta, discounted to see where the story all starts.

Tuesday, March 12, 2019

This Movie is Bad: Captain Marvel

I went into Captain Marvel as blind as I could. I never watched the trailers, and had only seen a couple screenshots or gifs, and a poster. I had heard of people absolutely loving it, some thought it was mediocre, and others hated it, so I was open to just about anything. What I watched is by far the worst of the MCU movies. The movie fails at its core, centered around a character that is confusing, unlikable, and what I can only describe as bipolar. But I'm getting ahead of myself. Here is a spoiler review of Captain Marvel. (The only thing you need to know from this movie before Endgame is she gets her powers from the Teseract, and she shows up on Earth)