Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Contemplations of the Subconscious

The subconscious mind is a powerful thing. It takes in all of the information from your senses. It also creates the dreams you dream. While your body rests, your subconscious can work against you. It creates an enemy within your mind that chases you, wants to kill you, wants to hurt you. It can even create the perfect lover, give you false memories within your dreams to convince you it is all real, and then tear it all away when you awake. It can also insult you, tell you hurtful and spiteful things with the mask of someone you know.

The subconscious can give you a glimpse into insanity. Some say the definition of insanity is performing the same task over and over while expecting a different result. Your dreams would have you performing the same task over and over until you finally woke exhausted.

Because your mind experiences all of the senses, it uses that information to feed back into itself all of the senses. Sight, smell, taste, hearing, and touch all seem real. If someone within your mind mentions something that happened before but it really has not, your mind will create the memory on the spot. Your own mind will lie to you to keep you within the dream.

For all intents and purposes, your mind is always working against you. If it does not want to scare you, it wants to lull you into a feeling of utopia until the moment you wake. If a person has never said anything bad, but within the dream, they spew such hateful things, ridiculing, your mind makes you believe it comes from that person who is your friend. It is an odd concept that you would insult yourself.

For the minutes we fall into REM sleep and dream, everything that we perceive to be reality becomes real. We fly, we have conversations with people, we love, we live and experience all that we would find in this world and then more. I propose that the dream world is more real than the real world. Eventually, we will all wake up from this dream.

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