Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Next Project

Now that Survival Tautology is out and available to buy, I have begun work on my next book tentatively titled The Immune. I don't really have a synopsis right now, but the setting is around a biological outbreak that wipes out 90% of the world's population. A small group of people try to make their way across America to find a future. Right now I am developing character profiles.

The only similarity this book has with Survival Tautology is that the human population has been decreased. Instead of a community that is stationary, this one will be small--I haven't decided on what size it will be. I played too much Final Fantasy 11 years ago that six always seems like the appropriate number of people for a group. Right now I only have ideas for four, so the number will probably be around 4-6.

 The difficult part about this is while reading The Walking Dead comics, the ideas for traveling or camping seem like the most logical, so I don't want to copy them, or seem like I'm copying them.

The other major difference is no zombies! Just lots of dead bodies that can cause issues. While there may have been the ever present danger of a zombie attack in Survival Tautology, this will have a lot of other issues, especially dealing with other people who were immune to the disease that broke out. Not everyone is good, and not everyone thinks they are evil.

I also wanted to touch on a small note about my writing in that I don't always know the ending to my stories. Some of them I already know the ending, and some I just know some key points or scenes I want to touch on. For those I write up to and around those scenes. It is sometimes more difficult to write because I don't know what is supposed to happen, but it can be exciting as if I'm watching it unfold like a movie. A lot of times I have this gut feeling when a story should end, or as I'm writing, the ending suddenly comes to me. So not everything is set in stone, but ideas are usually always coming to me.

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