Sunday, December 18, 2011

Product of Lying - Ethics in Christmas

According to Lindsey Williams, the globalists' plans involve getting rid of God in everything, because their plans will not come to fruition in a society that believes in God. There could be any number of reasons why this is true, whether the power of God and Jesus in people's lives deters and prevents demons and Satan from doing their work on evil people in the world. It could also just be that good and moral people are not willing to let evil acts happen, or perform evil acts.

This nation is not a Christian nation, though many of the early leaders of this country were Christian men. Many things like "In God We Trust" and God being in the pledge of allegiance is a very new thing in the history of this country; most of it was brought about to distinguish America from the Soviet Union. But regardless of that, the fact remains that a society who does not believe in God is subject to the take-over by the new world order.

Prayer has been removed from school which can be justified as part of the separation of church and state, but it has gone so far as not allowing any students to pray on their own accord, which violates the First Amendment. During Christmas time, nativity scenes are took down, destroyed, or pressure is put on to not have them up, even if it is not even on public property. Merry Christmas is being turned into Happy Holidays from the pressure of political correctness.

It should come as no surprise with the amount of effort being put against Christians, and Jesus. What used to be a time of sharing, family time, and merriment has turned into people dying as they rush into a store to get a $5 toaster. Whether Jesus was born on December 25th or not, it still stands for the idea that the ultimate gift was given to us by God. Instead it has been taken over by Santa. Any anagram will tell you it is really just Satan.

The Bible says that Satan is the king of lies, and the whole notion around Santa is just a lie. You buy the gifts for your kids and say it is from Santa. Then you tell the lie of the history of Santa and what he does, giving gifts to all the children in one night. The more they question this lie, the more you try to come up with to keep the lie going. Questions like "what if we don't have a chimney?" "what about people who don't believe in Santa?" "How does he get to 7.2 billion people in one night?" are obvious holes in the lie, and most kids at an early age are smart enough to figure it out.

Some lies are told to not hurt people's feelings, or to hide a nasty truth that younger children may not be able to comprehend. But this is not the case. This is about you spending your hard earned money to give gifts to your children, while they thank Santa, and he gets all of the credit. Whether you believe in Jesus or not, there is no reason to pass off the credit of giving a gift to someone.

So what has a number of generations brought up on lies produced? Stealing gifts. No, I am not talking about someone breaking into your car and stealing the gifts you bought, though that does happen; I am talking about the practice of having a "pot" of gifts where people choose a gift. The next person chooses a gift and can choose to steal the other person's gift. For one thing, no one knows who has provided the gifts, so the whole notion of giving a thoughtful gift to someone is out. Secondly, stealing is lying too. Lying is robbing someone of the truth, and stealing is taking away their possession.

It seems that the people who really want to practice the spirit of Christmas as the ones opposed to this kind of horrible human behavior, and the ones who propagate the lie of Santa/Satan are the ones who are willing to steal on one of the most important holidays of the year. Should we not hold ourselves to a higher standard, and pass on that standard to our children? Should we not love our children and show them the meaning of giving a gift to another person? At an early age, I went from wanting gifts to wanting to give gifts. I no longer wanted gifts for Christmas, and would much rather see other people open gifts, especially if they were gifts from me. Now kids open a gift, barely say thank you, if it all, and want to move onto the next one. And when the gifts are all over, they pout, or cry that there are no more. And next year, all the money you spent on gifts, and Satan got the credit, the kids do not even play with anymore.

So Merry Christmas, and do the right thing.

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