Wednesday, January 4, 2012

The Case for Ron Paul

How you view Ron Paul may say more about yourself than what you think of Ron Paul. For decades, Ron Paul has been a strict constitutionlist who believes that if the rights of the federal government are not stated, then it is left up to the states to decide. People think Ron Paul is radical, but he is simply following the Constitution. In a way he is radical because the founding of this country and giving us all of these freedoms was a radical idea from the tyranny that preceded. These days, our rights have been stripped away so much that the ideas that our founding fathers had have become radical again.

The biggest issue most people have with Ron Paul is his foreign policy. Like I said, he follows the Constitution, and believes that war should only be started with another country if we are attacked, or if our national interest is threatened. If that is the case, Congress will decide whether we go to war or not. People have a very short memory, and the exact same script that the media put out for going to war with Iraq, is now being used for Iran. The big problem is that all of the propaganda for Iraq was all lies, and the Bush administration knew it was a lie before they released it.

Regardless of what you think of Iran, it is their own country. If you think about it, Ron Paul follows the Bible by doing unto others only what he would want done unto him. Would you want foreign troops on our streets, killing our women, and children, torturing animals? Do you want China flying bombers into our country and blowing up our power plants and infrastructure? We may not like Iran, but we have killed more people than Iran ever has. Would we not be the bad guy in this situation?

Geo-politically, any country can give blanket or umbrella support to any other country. That is to say, any country can say "if you attack them, it is considered an attack on us." Iran has made this claim for Syria, and China has gone even further and made the claim that if we attack Iran, it will start World War 3. The media scoffs at Iran saying it has no way of making any attempt to attack us if we do anything. What they can do is close off the Straight of Hormuz which will conservatively make oil and gas prices double overnight. But the media completely ignores China's threat to us. Indirectly, anyone who is for a war with Syria or Iran is for starting WW3. For the longest time, we have turned it into a saying "this will start WW3. Unfortunately, this time it is true, and the threat is very real. So while Ron Paul does not want to start a war with Iran, he is really saving us from being nuked by China.

George Washington wrote that we should not go to war with countries, and we should make friends, build relationships and trust. This was said at a time when the norm was imperialism, and Britain, France, and Spain had colonies all over the globe, oppressing the locals.

Ron Paul has been a long-time opponent and critic of the Federal Reserve. It was Thomas Jefferson who warned that a central bank (like the Federal Reserve) who controlled our currency instead of Congress, would own the land they fought so hard to free. 99 years after the Federal Reserve Act was illegally passed, the private Federal Reserve now holds the government and most of its people in debt.

When the government is not involved, ingenuity and creativity flourishes in mankind. I think it was Jesse Ventura who made the claim and asked: Name one thing or aspect of your life that government is not involved in. Odds are, you probably cannot think of anything. Thomas Jefferson said that even the control of food or medicine by the government was a form of tyranny.

This country was built so that it was a collection of states, and if one state was not to your liking, you could move to one that you did like. Even with current issues with drugs, the same idea can apply. The government does not have the right to make any drug illegal. They can be made illegal by individual states, just as some states have legalized same-sex marriage, or voted not to by the people or their representatives. Just as some states have better economies and better job growth because of their individual state policies and laws, it all must be down to the states. It is up to the individual to either choose which state they wish to live in, or change the system from the local level. This central, Constitutional belief is held by Ron Paul. Many like to spin this into saying that he is for legalizing cocaine and heroin, but this is a lie. Ron Paul is for staying out of the business of making drugs illegal, and will leave it up to the states. It is not that he will legalize drugs like cocaine and heroin, he will simply not tell states what they can and cannot do. Ron Paul's son, Rand, put it nicely, explaining that the federal government does not say murder is illegal; individual states say murder is illegal. The same can be true for drugs. Besides the fact that even if cocaine and heroin were legal, most people would not go out tomorrow to shoot it up or snort it, it must be a state's issue.

For years, people have complained about how the federal government does nothing for the American people, and what they do do is a disaster like the Department of Education. So for so long, people have already been a supporter of Ron Paul without even knowing it. For all of the money wasted on departments and agencies, and programs, Ron Paul would get rid of it. For all the money wasted on bases in other countries where soldiers sit around bored, Ron Paul would bring our troops home.

Ron Paul is a firm believer in the Blow-Back theory that if you muck around in someone's business, they will retaliate. If someone lived in Ohio, flew over to Texas and started poking a stick in a rattlesnake pit until they were bitten and died, would you feel outraged at this and want to go bomb Texas to wipe out the rattlesnakes? It sounds absurd, but that is what we have done. Either openly, or covertly, we have meddled in the Middle east in one way or another for decades. The American people may have forgotten about this, or was never taught in our failing public schools, but other countries remember the past. If it was known that our government had been overthrown three times in the past few decades by the Chinese, do you not think we would have a bit of resentment towards China so that when they started saying we couldn't import or export anything and began sailing their war ships by our coast, would we not feel threatened?

So while the media is clamoring for war with Iran, know that Ron Paul has received the most donations from active duty military than any other candidate both democrat or republican. I am a conservative constitutionlist republican, yet Ron Paul has a large support from independents, libertarians, and even democrats. I know my views are not of what you would think the democrat party is. This should be a clear sign that left and right in politics does not exist. You have freedom vs. tyranny; you have the Constitution vs. a Big Brother government. Freedom is universal, and it is not a "them against us," it is the American people for freedom. Voting for Ron Paul that a democrat votes for is not voting for democrat values, and voting for Ron Paul that a republican votes for is not voting for republican values. Voting for Ron Paul is a vote for freedom, liberty, and upholding the Constitution as he has done all his life with conviction, consistency, and honor.

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