Thursday, March 29, 2012

Vote of No Confidence

Growing up, I was told that if you did not vote, you had no say in an elected official did. At a time, even I believed it, but as I became informed to how the election system works, voting for even the lesser of two evils seems morally wrong. People like to think that in a situation, you have to do something. But doing nothing is something.

Back in 2000, the voter fraud in Florida led to many states taking up electronic voting machines. By 2004, it was admitted in court that these machines were flawed and could be easily hacked by a novice in computers. The CEO of one of the companies who made these machines was quoted saying they would get George Bush Jr. re-elected.

Now in 2012, there are rampant cases of voter fraud in just about every primary election in an attempt to get Ron Paul out of the race, even though the majority of people want him as the Republican nominee and love freedom and liberty. The only way to beat these rigged machines is by a landslide.

I believe I have stated previously that the Republicans and Democrats are just red and blue stripes, changing every usually eight years, but eventually you realize that it is just the stripes of the same poisonous snake that has sunk its fangs into you. Furthermore, these candidates are all bankrolled by the same interests who do not have the same interests as the rest of America. So these are not really elections, but selections; they are selected by big banks to keep the game going so they can continue to rob Americans and the world of their wealth, putting them into so much debt that they can buy up everything we own including our property for pennies on the dollar.

So if the system is rigged, and I want a candidate like Ron Paul, but the system has made it appear that he is not wanted, what am I to do? If Romney becomes the Republican candidate and his policies are the same as Obama's just as his is the same as Bush Jr's, there is no choice. It's like choosing between death by drowning or hanging. I would rather vote for life and freedom. These people are supposed to represent you, so a vote for either says that you represent the oppression they have brought or will bring.

But if I disagree now with Romney and the traitor-in-chief Obama, why am I not allowed to voice the same disapproval after the election? I would rather cast my vote as a vote of No Confidence. A vote of No Confidence says that you do not approve of the candidates provided, and you want a "do-over." If less than half of the population does not vote this year, it invalidates the election because the majority of the population did not want either candidate.

This election, if there is not a candidate I know will not uphold the Constitution, and not work to bring in a tyrannical government to oppress its people, I will not be voting. I will not lose my 1st Amendment Right by this because it is inalienable.

If you want more information on voter fraud in America, check out the HBO documentary "Hacking Democracy."

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