Monday, March 3, 2014

Runaway Pirates: Misscliks Short Story

 Between Season 1 and 2 of Misscliks, the crew of the Nealing Siren were on the run. They lost a member of the crew. This is just one of the stories that happened. Disclaimer: This is not fully canon.

Runaway Pirates

            The sea air felt bitterly cold against December’s face. They had been in port for two days, and it was two days more than they had planned on being there. Every passing moment she spent scanning the docks, partially to keep watch of any commotion, and partially to keep her face away from the wind coming in from the bay.
            Lily said she wanted to investigate a wizard in town to learn more spells. December trusted her friend and could not deny the need for Lily to grow in power, but with the crown after them along with the shady organization who had murdered the royal family.
            “They’d better hurry,” Matt Hammerfist, the Half-Orc, said gruffly.
            “Lily said they would be back by evening. We have to be patient.”
            Hammerfist grunted and walked back to the wheel, ready to move out at a moment’s notice.
            Elianna had a sour mood, more so as of late. December wondered if something was wrong. Sure things were bad, but Lily was in relatively high spirits. Why was Elianna not?
            Screams broke December from her thoughts.
            Bounding down the dock, bushy, red locks of red hair could be seen. The faint sound of Lily yelling, “Set sail!” could be heard. She was trying her hardest to keep up with the taller Elianna, and even taller Fe.
            Behind them were four guards in chain mail, each with pikes. The weight of the armor and weapons was giving her friends a slight advantage, but her keen Half-Elf eyes could see Lily was losing ground.
            Quickly, December jumped off her perch a few feet up in the rigging. She ran to the light ballista. It had already been loaded in case of these kinds of emergencies.
            The lead guard raised his pike about it bring it down on Lily’s skull when his body flung back violently. Lily took a cursory look behind her to see the man impaled, lifeless to the dock.
            Sails were unfurling, and two crew members were at the ready to pull the plank onto the ship as soon as all of the captains of the Nealing Siren had come aboard.
            The guards were shouting obscenities. Lily was slowing slightly as she reached into her many pouches. She rounded the corner, took a moment to stop, and casted a spell.
            “Lily!” Fe was shouting. “Get your butt on board!”
            Wasting no time, she turned; her bushy red hair waving like a cape as she ran for the ship. She had a mischievous smile on her lips.
            The advantage December had given her friend with the ballista was now lost, and the guards had gained. As they rounded the corner, their feet touched the greased planks of the dock, and all footing was lost.
            The guard in front was taken by surprise, and he went head first into the hull of the ship with a sickening crack.
            His companions attempted to stop in time, but they were running too fast. Each slipped and fell into the water, trying desperately to stay above water. The weight of the metal on their bodies pulled on them like enticing mermaids. One tried to cling to the hull of the ship, but its side was too smooth. The other attempted to grab a hold of the dock, but the planks were inches out of reach. In one last effort, he reached up and grabbed hold. His fingers instantly slipped free from the wood still covered in grease. He choked on the water, and within moments, the three guards had sunk to their watery graves.
            “See? I had everything under control.” Lily said proudly.
            The look on Elianna’s face was livid. “You almost got us killed. You can’t just go around saying your name, and how great a wizard you are. People recognize that kind of thing.”
            “We’ve never been to this island. How could they know we were the captains of the Nealing Siren?”
            “Word travels.”
            December watched them argue, unsure why Elianna was so angry, but felt happy Lily was alive and well.
            “Let’s just set sail, and figure out what to do next.” Fe said diplomatically.
            “Could I at least get healed?” Lily asked, showing the cut on her leg, leaking blood.
            “Heal yourself, bitch.” Elianna said walking below decks.
            Fe grabbed some cloth and bandaged Lily’s leg to stop the bleeding. “She’ll come around.”
            The Nealing Siren moved slowly out of the bay, fighting the wind, with Hammerfist at the helm.
            When they were safely out in open waters with no signs of anyone giving chase, December stood down from her post. “What happened?”
            Before Lily could speak, Fe explained the course of events. “It was going fine until the wizard mentioned he used to live in Valis with a larger shop than what he had here. Without thinking, Lily started talking about the city, the courtyard, and how she learned some spells there. He became suspicious until he recalled one of the fugitives having red hair. He called for guards, and we ran for it.”
            “I could have slept them.” Lily said indignantly.
            “You can’t sleep a powerful wizard, Lily. You’re lucky enough as it is that the guard’s sword only grazed your leg.”
            “Maybe we should only dock for supplies.” December suggested.
            “Everything is fine.” Lily said reassuringly.
            December gave her friend a smile.
            “We’re supposed to be pirates,” Fe said. “How can we get anything done if we can’t be in even a small town without being noticed?”
            Everyone sat in silence, without an answer.


            Elianna lied in her cot, listening to the water splash up against the hull. Normally, the rocking of the ship, and the repetitive sounds of the water would lull her to sleep, but her anger was too great.
            She did not mean what she said to Lily, but she could not count how many times Lily had gotten her into trouble. She had her plans for life, and getting killed in some fish smelling town on an island in the middle of nowhere was not going to help her fulfill her desires.
            Dagger in hand, she carved the groove deeper of her prey’s name. If they were not going to help her, she would have to do things on her own. She had much more power than the other captains were utilizing her for. That power would give her the will and the determination to kill the man she sought.


            Rum was flowing, but spirits were still down. Most of the crew sat looking up at the stars. Lily was sitting on a barrel with December at the bow of the ship when Elianna finally emerged. Quietly, she moved across the deck, her robes giving soft whispers to the night as they brushed against the wood.
            Without saying a word, she placed a hand on Lily’s leg. A soft glow emanated, and a warmth flowed up Lily’s leg.
            “Thanks.” Lily said.
            Elianna nodded and said nothing save for a soft “I’m sorry.”
            Lily reached her short Halfling arm out around Elianna’s waist and hugged her. “We’ll get through this. We’re in this together.”
            Elianna retreated back into the captain’s quarters.


            A week had passed when the Nealing Siren wafted into the dock. They had traveled further west, trying to create more distance between them and Valis. The small island towns had nothing to offer Fe in regards to the ingredients she needed to save her brother from the illness that had inflicted him. The captains had agreed that they would have a better chance of finding these ingredients at the mainland cities. Elianna had said little to nothing during the discussion, and only put her vote in once the decision had been largely made by the other Three Winds.
            December brought her horse on deck and led him onto the docks.
            “Don’t go too far.” Lily warned. “We’re checking the shops for a black pearl, and resupplying.”
            December mounted her horse. “I won’t.” Riding down the dock, surprising the harbor master, December felt the joy of warmer mainland air rushing past her. Her hand rested on her horse’s neck, feeling the muscles move under the hair covered skin. She was unsure of why people felt the way they did, but she could always understand the happiness of running she knew her horse had. The rushing wind past her face pushed her hood back, as she urged her horse to go faster.
            Lily walked with Fe through the city. The occasional guard paid them no heed which always made Lily feel more confident. She held her head high, and her strut became more animated. Fe kept a wary eye on everyone, looking for the slightest hint that someone would recognize them.
            By the time the sun was setting, all jewelers were reading from the same script. They all suggested Valis, but the two captains could not openly say why that was not an option. It was tiring after a while to hear how rare a black pearl was. Fe’s temper was rising, but she kept a polite smile, and thanked each merchant. “I know it is rare.” She said under her breath.
            December was leading her horse down the dock, ignoring the look she was getting from the harbor master. Lily and Fe had returned as well when they were met just off the Nealing Siren by Elianna. Her backpack was loaded, and she had a look of determination on her face. December was unsure of the situation, and gave Elianna a slight wave.
            “I’m leaving.” Elianna said simply.
            “Why?” Lily asked, surprised.
            “You all are here for your own reasons, but the one responsible for my lover’s death is not going to be in the open seas.”
            “But you’ll still be hunted.” Lily tried to plead to her.
            “Solum is a big place. I can disappear if I want. I’ll emerge when my prey least expects it. All he’ll know is the feeling of cold steel from my dagger in his back and the warm breath on his ear when I tell him ‘I found you.’”
            Lily ran up to Elianna and wrapped her arms as best she could around Elianna. “Stay safe.”
            Fe reached her hand out to shake Elianna’s. Elianna was unsure if Fe was angry at her or if Fe could not control her strength as her fingers were crushed under the pressure.
            December said nothing even as Elianna walked past, stopping momentarily to say, “Don’t die.”
            Later, December would look back on those words, and knew Elianna, in her own strange way, cared about her.

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