Thursday, April 7, 2011

Writing Process

This will be a unique experience for me, and a exclusive look for the reader to see into the process of how I am going to attempt to write a villanelle. It consists of 19 lines of iambic pentameter. Certain lines are repeated in a specific pattern. Below is the initial poem:

Wakened from a long slumber
Sounds of nature's alarm
Rooms and cities lighted
Moments shall pass
Roar of a hungry tiger
Trembling of the Earth does shake
Its stripes are jagged
An explosion of fury
To excite others
To frighten some
The tiger cries with them
And walks away slowly
Each roar becoming distant

It currently has 13 non-rhymed lines. Without the lines that repeat, there is only 11 lines left. Therefore I will only need to pick two lines to repeat. The requirements for the length of the lines is also not met and will need to be extended to 10 syllables per line. Currently I have:

Lines are rearranged into what the final form will look like in stanza form:

Rooms and cities lighted
Wakened from a long slumber
Roar of a hungry tiger

Sounds of nature's alarm
Moments shall pass
Rooms and cities lighted

Trembling of the Earth does shake
Its stripes are jagged
Roar of a hungry tiger

An explosion of fury
To excite others
Rooms and cities lighted

To frighten some
The tiger cries with them
Roar of a hungry tiger

And walks away slowly
Each roar becoming distant
Rooms and cities lighted
Roar of a hungry tiger

The rhyme scheme for a villanelle is:
aba aba aba aba aba abaa
Because the scheme is pretty simplistic, my rhymes will need to have a large variety of words I can choose from. Besides the two rhymed lines that repeat, I will need to find 5 rhymes for A, and 6 rhymes for B.

Some of the lines needed to be changed to allow for ten syllables, but the finished product looks like this:

Tiger Shining Bright

Alight are the cities and rooms and floor
Awakened from a long slumber at last
Roar of a hungry tiger on all four

Sounds of nature's alarm: Hammer of Thor
Expectant moments short or long shall pass
Alight are the cities and rooms and floor

Trembling of the Earth does shake us galore
Its stripes are jagged like sharp broken glass
Roar of a hungry tiger on all four

An explosion of fury like a war
To excite others, light and sound contrast
Alight are the cities and rooms and floor

To frighten some, this scene they must abhor
The tiger cries with them in this morass
Roar of a hungry tiger on all four

Walks away slowly, the receding shore
Each roar distant, leaving but ozone gas
Alight are the cities and rooms and floor
Roar of a hungry tiger on all four

It is likely it is not a true iambic pentameter, but this is as close to a villanelle as I can reach. I hope you enjoyed the process and the final poem.

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