Sunday, September 8, 2013

Tales of Warrog: Chapter 1

Tales of Warrog is a Journal type story of what a person would write if they were experiencing Skyrim. This game is run with numerous mods.

Day 1
I'm an Orc named Warrog. I woke up from a daze after being attacked and left for dead. My memory is a little fuzzy. I don't remember riding with this Khajit. I collected some armor, supplies, and a one-handed axe. As I tried to remember what sign I may have been born under. Two wolves attacked me. Thankfully, I was able to backtrack until they were dead. I collected their pelts and made my way to the nearest town, Windhelm. On the way, I found lots of plants and flowers, so I picked them. The guard did not seem to mind me picking flowers from around the Inn.

I made it into town and tried to buy a two handed weapon, as I at least know I'm good at that. The blacksmith is trying to rip me off. After making potions from the materials I collected, and selling a lot of the excess materials to the alchemist, I managed to have enough to buy a greatsword.

While in the Alchemist Shop, I overheard a conversation about a potion. Needing more money for better armor, I offered my services. I was given the location of a cave to the west. Surprisingly, I only encountered some Stendar Vigilants. The cave was crawling with undead, but I made quick work of them. I used the narrow tunnels to bottleneck three Draugr where I killed them all. The biggest one carried a long sword that wrought my enemies with electricity. My ownership of the greatsword was shortlived.

I found the potion, and a wall with strange words that I instantly learned. Weird. The potion bottle was broken, so I returned it to the Alchemist who gave me 5 gold. Fucking asshole. His apprentice was nicer and gave me 500 gold. With the loot I sold, I managed to upgrade all of my iron armor to steel apart from my breastplate.

Day 2
These talkative guards told me about a ship that used to be awesome, but now it's wrecked. I think these guards are lonely. It was a good enough reason as any to make some money to complete my armor set.

I've made it to the wrecked ship. It's in an odd location, and something tells me it won't be abandoned. I swam to the bow of the ship and using the bow I found in the cave before, I played Weave-And-Dodge with two archers on the ship. Their leader was made of tougher stuff, and I had to resort to using my new lightning sword. He did not last long.

The ship offered little in the way of loot. I did manage to find some decent armor to sell. Word of my helping the Alchemist has yet to spread, so the Blacksmith is still giving me a raw deal on armor. Still. I now have full steel armor.

Guards have also mentioned something about a boy in a haunted house. Sounds lame to me. What's really important is something about a dragon attacking a town in the south. I still have money left over after my armor purchased that I bought a ride to Whiterun.

Day 3
The driver talked endlessly the entire way. I made a few grunts, but he did not get the hint I didn't care. I'm fully supplies from Windhelm, so there's no point for me to visit Whiterun. South I head, encountering more wolves. I can feel the weapon become lighter as I get used to it.

On the way, I arrived in Riverwood. The blacksmith here is nicer. He let me learn some of the trade as he stood around watching. He bought the dagger and helm I made. I'm a heavy armor kind of guy. None of this pansy light armor shit.

Further south I traveled until I reached Helgen. Sure enough, a dragon flew overhead to the north. FML, I just came from there. I checked for survivors, but only found a journal. It didn't have any pretty pictures, but I pocketed it nonetheless. I only managed to find a few potions and food before the structural integrity was compromised and I had to leave.

Figured Riverwood had to be warned, so I traveled back there. I was not sure who was in charge of this small town, so I told everyone, including this Wood Elf. He went on about a love triangle that was more of a straight line. I needed to go to the local trader anyway to sell some loot, so I figured I'd take a forged document with me.

I have to say, Camilla is fair to look at. She denied my advances, even after I gave her the letter. I guess she's not on the market yet. She was just having a fight with her brother, so maybe she wasn't in the mood. Come to find out, thieves stole a golden claw from the shop. I hadn't killed anyone in a long time, and I didn't really count wolves. I said I'd help.

Before I left, I told the Wood Elf that Sven wouldn't be bothering them. He gave me 25 gold--his life savings. I felt kind of bad for the guy... until I felt my coin purse get heavier.

On my way out of town, I found Camilla. She was offering to show me the way, but I was only interested in one thing. So was she apparently. She didn't even mind being just out of town when she got on top. Now I feel good enough to take on some thieves.

Day 4
I saw some bandits up ahead. I tried to give as big a berth as I could, but they must have a thing against Orcs. So I made sure they had a thing against my blade. Feels good man.

Snow kicked in as I reached the crypt where the thieves were holding out. They shouted some nonsense about how I "shouldn't have come here." I laughed when I hit one so hard with my blade, he fell off the edge of a long drop.

I found more inside. One of them got one hit off on me as I brought my sword down onto his skull. His lady associate tried her best to shoot me with an arrow. She got one hit before I stabbed her in the belly, then took two good swings to her neck and skull.

With the two other bodies lying about amongst a bunch of dead giant rats, it was no surprise to find one of them pulling a lever twice until they died from poison darts. Dumbass should have looked up and saw the riddle. Snake Snake Whale (like my last three girlfriends) and I was in. Looting on the way, I heard the cries from an annoying Dark Elf. I found him bound in lots of spiderwebs. I also found the giant spider which I promptly killed. He begged me to cut him down. I took three big swings. Problem was, the first two released him, but I was on such a roll that the third one carried through into his skull. He did have the Golden Claw, so I guess my work was done. Then I saw what was behind the spider webs. More tunnel. My bag was feeling a little light, so I decided to explore.

More undead. I sniped most of them as they rested, and looted the rest. Deep in the crypts I saw another one of those walls. I stepped up to it and learned some more shit. Stay in school, kids. There was a sound behind me, and a sarcophagus opened to reveal a big undead guy. Before he could get out, I took two big swings at him. He tried shouting at me, but I just yelled back at him as I took a few more swings and felled him. More loot before I got out of there.

The brother was happy I returned the claw to him, and Camilla was still giving me that look. You know the look... The "I wanna settle down" look. The only look I was giving was the Golden Claw sitting right on the table. I got rid of the stuff I found, and saw my coin purse had grown quite a bit.

Day 5
It was dark as I waited for about twelve hours and everyone went to bed. Apparently, all of the guards were looking to the sky for dragons as no one was looking at me picking the lock to the shop. I walked five feet inside, snagged the golden claw, and walked out. I guess with all this clingy shit, and not wanting to explain why I had this claw, I should get out of town. It really shows how easy it is to steal from this guy. It's still the middle of the night, but I'll head back to Whiterun to alert everyone about the dragon.

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