Friday, September 13, 2013

Tales of Warrog: Chapter 8

Hot on the trail of Mercer, Warrog and crew investigate. See the end for a list of all of the mods I use.

Day 29
I showed up outside Riften to see a dragon flying over the city. Maybe they can appease it by using a catapult to send that hag's body for the dragon to eat. On the south side of the city walls lies the Twilight Seppuku. Inside I was given Nightingale armor. Only good piece is the feet which finally makes me silent when sneaking. Karliah insisted I wear the whole set for the ceremony. I think she just wanted to watch me change my clothes. Seeing her in the armor makes me want to see her change... into nothing.

She called on Nocturnal who took our oaths of allegiance and put Karliah back in good standing. They said when this whole thing is over, I should be the head of the Thieves Guild. I tried telling them Bryjoff should have the position, but they wouldn't hear it. This whole thing has been because of their bad luck with Nocturnal, but when you elect the guy who can't sneak to save his life the job of leading you guys in a guild, you can't blame Daedric Princes all your life for your failures.

Now that that was done, we could go find Mercer at some Dwemer ruin, Ishganght, or something. I went to Whiterun to hopefully buy better gear, but it was too late when I arrived. I turned the iron ore I found into ingots. While that was going on, a Master Vampire snuck into town and killed two people. One of them was always asking me about being visiting the Cloud District. The other was the one who asked me to grab his ancestor's sword. I looted the bodies, but left the sword, half out of respect, and half because it actually wasn't work that much. With all this new loot, I had to sell it.

Day 30
It's been a month since I was first attacked in Skyrim and left for dead. I was back in Riverwood when a courier stopped to give me 90 gold and a letter. Some guy named Armen died and named me in his will. I'm not sure if it was the guy who died in Whiterun or some other person I don't know. I know his wife was nonplussed when he died in Whiterun. I stopped in the general trader store. The owner is still in high spirits and oblivious that his Golden Claw is missing again. I sold what I could and bought an Orcish Nordic Greatsword from him for a little over 500 gold. With nearly 6,000 on hand, I can afford to spend it. I could have bought an Ebony Greatsword from the blacksmith, but it cost over 4,000, and the enchantment only absorbed magicka; not really useful.

Day 31
My final stop was at my house where I found a giant waiting around the side of the house. It was a bit of a surreal moment as I walked inside and dropped off my two-handed axe of embers, the Nightingale armor I didn't need, and the ingots.

Day 32
Bandits are a lot like roaches. Even if you clean them out, more will come back later. That tower and bridge area that I cleared out for the Ancestor's Sword had more bandits. They tried to get me to pay a tax, but they only wanted my sword. One guy I killed and sent him flying over the edge of the bridge into the river. Even though I was being shot at by archers from above, I watched his body until he hit the water. It's important to savor the little things in life. I found a strange object in one of the chests. It was multisided and white. When I picked it up, a voice spoke to me, calling me. Hopefully I'm not going crazy. I wouldn't want to end up like that guy in Whiterun, ranting and raving.

With all of the bandits dead and looted (except for the one who fell over), I headed north to the Dwemer ruin, Idiotsgate. I scaled the mountain and slid down the edge to land right in the bandit leader's camp. Once she was dealt with, it was easy to line the rest up and knock them down into a pile around their leader. One archer I lost to gravity, but I doubt I missed much for looting.

Inside I got my first taste at Dwemer machinery. They do offer more loot than bandits, and plenty of soul gems, both empty and filled. One of the Dwemer chests held an Orcish Orc Warhammer. The Greatsword was short lived. I did find a bunch of dead bandits inside. Apparently it was Mercer's work. Karliah and Bryjoff were waiting for me at a door. It's time to get looting.

I finally found out what Falmer were. No one was nice enough to tell me before I went in so I could prepare, but whatever. They seem to use poison a lot. It's becoming obvious that my steel, steel plated, and iron banded armor is not sufficient. It was a long way through the complex, partly because it was huge, and partly because I had loaded up on too much loot. The other two didn't complain, so I continued on, picking up what I could. I picked my first Master Lock chest. I found two enchanted swords, and a staff. I think I should be able to get a lot for them. From their glow, I think they can absorb health on each strike, like Mercer's sword.

Mercer was stealing Falmer Eyes when we found him. They are big gems from a statue of a Snow Elf, I'm told. I wonder how many types of Elves there are. Somehow he was able to turn Bryjoff against Karliah, leaving on me to fight him. It was a relatively quick fight. He took maybe six strike of my warhammer before I pulled him close, and kneed him in the face three times until he died. I was almost willing to let him live until I remembered he tried killing me before.

All of his powers had caused the roof to collapse, and since we were under a lake, the room began to flood. I looted Mercer, grabbing the Skeleton Key, and swam to a cave that opened up in the roof.

Karliah said I had to go to Pilgrim's Path to return the Skeleton Key, and she couldn't go along. I don't see why since she's in good standing with Nocturnal now. Maybe she's feeling too close to me, and doesn't want to think of the idea of me dying in there. She gave me her Nocturnal Bow to help me.

I came out of the cave west of Windhelm, even further from where I had to go for the White Phial. When I wanted to go looting, I didn't mean 250 pounds of it. It'll be a long slow walk to Windhelm.

Mods (most can be found on Skyrim Nexus)
I highly recommend getting the Nexus Mod Manager to keeping track of all your mods.

A Simple Marriage Mod - CardinalBiggles
Alternate Start - Arthmoor
Animated Prostitution - JoshNZ
Better Females by Bella (no makeup) - BellaGail
Better Males - Chris57 & FavoredSoul
Categorized Favorites Menu - favmenumodder
Classic Classes and Birthsigns - Kearsage
Complete Mundane Overhaul (reweighs everything) - JBSchroeds
Crafting 300 (smithing overhaul) - The Amoury of Tamriel Team
Dimonized UNP female body - dumon99
Dreamcatcher Shield - Denki Groove
EzE's Artifact Disenchanting - xEightballx
Khajiit Marriage and Following Mod - Clarota
Left Hand Rings - duggelz [at] gmail [dot] com
Lonely Karliah - llhe
Marriable Serana - C0drm0nk33
No More Blocky Faces - Xenius
No More Standing Too Close to NPCs - chinagreenelvis
Northern Bathhouses - dourdendevire
QD Inventory - Roltak
Realistic Crime Radius - Beyond Tom
Reweighed Potions - Moboroshi Daikon
Skyrim -Community- Uncapper - Elys
Skyrim Sunglare V4 - Laast
Unofficial Skyrim/Hearthfire/Dragonbord/Dawnguard Patch (four mods) - Unofficial Patch Project Team
Flawless Nude Females

I have an old mod "Eld-combinePotions" that allows to combine smaller potions into large potions at a cooking area. I'm not sure if it can be found anymore.

My computer is not powerful enough to handle these other mods. I have downloaded them for the future when I can get a computer that is powerful enough.
Deadly Spell Impacts - isoku
Realistic Lighting Overhaul - Sydney666
W.A.T.E.R. Dragonborn - SparrowPrince
DSI High

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